Monday, May 17, 2010

Crazy SharePoint 2010 Database Names

I just finished the installation and initial configuration of SharePoint 2010 RTM development environment on a 2 server environment, with all databases on a separate sql server 2005 server.

By following the Farm Configuration Wizard, I was done in no time. However, a big drawback is the names of the databases created. I know how to rename content databases, including central administration content database, by way of detaching and re-attaching after database renaming. You can use CA UI for all content databases, other than CA content database. Since once the CA admin content db is detached, the CA UI does not work anymore. So to add the CA content db back, you need to use stsadm command, such as
stsadm -o addcontentdb -url "url to the CA" -databasename "db name"
Then the CA UI should be up and running.

The challenge is how to rename or recreate those databases used by service applications with preferred naming pattern . Using Central Admin, I deleted the PerformancePoint Service Application, including the databases, then recreated the service application. However, there is no option to name the database during the creation process using CA UI.

It looks like that the only way to accomplish this is to use PowerShell cmdlets, see

I wish that Microsoft had made this easier for service application database names.

If you have done renaming those service applications databases, could you please share your thoughts and procedures?

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